Dental emergencies can happen so quickly that you're not sure what just happened. The emergency dentist can help you.
If you have a dental emergency, you should see a dentist as soon as possible. A dental emergency is a problem with your teeth or gums that requires immediate treatment. Common dental emergencies include toothache, cracked or broken teeth, and objects stuck between teeth. If you have a dental emergency, you may need to see an emergency dentist. Emergency dentists are dentists available to see patients on short notice. They can usually see you within 24 hours of your call.
Gum or tooth injuries, oral diseases, and other dental emergencies are things you should not ignore. They are potentially serious and may require emergency dental care. If you ignore an oral problem, you could increase your risk of permanent damage, which could require more extensive and expensive treatment down the road.
Here are some of the most common dental emergencies:
Dental emergencies can be incredibly painful, and they can happen so quickly that you're not sure what just happened. The last thing you want is to be in pain and not know how to fix the problem.
The emergency dentist can help you. There are several dental clinics and emergency dentists that are open 24 hours and 7 days a week. Some of them can welcome you without an appointment and some also offer virtual and telephone consultations.